Since its establishment in 2013, the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU, brings together the representatives of national Parliaments and of the European Parliament, offering a platform for discussion and the exchange of information and best practices as regards the implementation of the provisions of the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union. Its goal is to ensure democratic accountability as regards the EU’s economic governance and budgetary policy, particularly in the EMU, without detriment to the competences of national Parliaments.
During the Spanish Presidency, the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU shall take place on October 26 and 27, 2023, in the Senate in Madrid, bringing together delegations from all national Parliaments and from the European Parliament.
For any further information regarding this Conference, please contact All documents regarding the Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU will be available in the following IPEX link: